NOW More than ever we need to be intentional about our exposures and choices of what we put into our bodies!  The pandemic identified key nutrients that when deficient in the body makes it more susceptible to sickness/illness/disease.  We also learned there are many...

ENjOY Summer Without the Itch of Bug Bites!

It was a brutal allergy season and the bugs are getting just as bad! Check out some natural options for Bug Repelling and pest control in my short youtube video: ENJOY SUMMER without the itch of bug bites! Don’t be surprised at the...

Squelching Allergies Naturally

I’ve suffered most this brutal season from itchy eyes/inner throat/ears, but have relief in 15min. This video gives resources/guidance on squelching allergies naturally – Squeching Allergies Naturally. Recently the news highlighted how many people are...
Green Health First