I’VE BEEN ASKED OFTEN ABOUT OPTIONS FOR REGULATING BLOOD FLOW — Usually I recommend lemon and cypress, many of our herbs/spices, which have lots of data for supporting the heart and blood flow. HOWEVER- Read this about YlangYlang from Dr. Eric Z:

‘In the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, a study was published that evaluated whether inhaling ylang ylang essential oil in a closed room for 20 minutes is an effective tool to lower blood pressure in healthy men. The results were tested in 2 ways: using the traditional blood pressure cuff & also using a 12-lead EKG. The results show that there was a marked difference between the control group and the test group.
More specifically, the ylang ylang oil group had significant decreases to both their systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
Research suggests that you’d be well served by blending ylang ylang oil with others like lavender and lemon and applying to the bottom of the feet over the ‘heart’ nerve ending. With it’s sweet aroma– which is why its used in the prufume industry- this helps to calm the fragrance and blending helps produce a synergistic effect for a more reduced systolic blood pressure and increases sympathetic nerve system activity via heart rate variability.’
God’s given us all we need, we just need to understand how to use his Gifts of the Earth to help us!
Call/text Angie- 919 656-0963 t.o discuss natural options for your health– get a zyto biofeedback scan to see what your body says you need to get back in balance. See our calendar for events near you!

Green Health First