With this heat– definitely a great time for watermelon!! Lycopene can help reduce risk of heart disease, cancer (what kinds??), muscle soreness &? Did you know that one must consume a ‘little’ fat to absorb Vitamin A? same for potassium & salt — read on to discover more!
AARP article: https://www.aarp.org/health/healthy-living/info-2016/watermelon-nutrition-cs-photo.html?cmp=EMC-DSO-NLC-WBLTR–HEALTH-NMTEST-060818-F1-3007225&ET_CID=3007225&ET_RID=15902974&mi_u=15902974&mi_ecmp=20180608_WEBLETTER_NonMember_Test_Winner_339600_467905&encparam=6ZXseQ81I3jGHpvKi349ibAvY03S5X9jnRmfctIdu%2f0%3d#slide9
Other sources of lycopene include fruits and vegetable like autumn olive, gac, tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit, pink guava, papaya, seabuckthorn, wolfberry (goji, a berry relative of tomato), and rosehip. Ketchup is a common dietary source of lycopene- be sure to look at the lable for the top ingredient being tomato puree and NOT high fructose corn syrup. It IS possible to find products without HFCS!

Hydrate and Replenish with https://www.2cupsgreenteahawaii.com/hawaii-coconut-energy/ that contains 500mg potassium with only 45mg salt needed for the body’s absorption of potassium! Most energy drinks have way too much salt,sugar and caffeine! All of 2Cups Green Tea Hawaii products contain 2g or less of ‘natural’ sugars so they are safe for diabetics! No Aspartame or other artificials, only natural fruit extracts for flavors and added antioxidants. The caffeine content for any of the products is 60mg or less, equivalent to 1/2 cup coffee– that’s for 16-24oz volume made per pixie. Passion-Orange-Guava GTH is another deliciously refreshing option to provide lycopene! TRY THEM TODAY! SEE Angie’s calendar to find her near you at events or contact her to meet up!

Green Health First